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Terms of service

Updated: 05 June 2022



  1. Terms – “client”, ”applicant”, “participant”, “recipient”, “you”, “your”; refers to the reader, signatory and recipient of the services provided by Crypto Wingman Limited, and to which these terms of service are directly related. 

  2. Terms – “we”, ”us”, ”our”, “team”, “consultant”, “the company”; refers to Crypto Wingman Limited, its employees and provider of the services to which the client and these terms of service are directly related. 

  3. Terms – “cryptocurrency”, “crypto”, “market”, “industry”, “sector”, “space”; refers to the entire cryptocurrency space and any associated entities, services or industries to which the client and these terms of service are directly related. 


(a) The Crypto Wingman Limited website and the services it provides are for general information purposes only. The website and any service provided is educational and informative, providing information about how to invest in the cryptocurrency sector. Crypto Wingman Limited is not a registered financial advice provider and does not provide financial advice; if you are unsure, please seek independent advice from a financial adviser before investing in the cryptocurrency sector or acting on any information published or expressed by Crypto Wingman Limited.

(b) Any news, research, analysis, indicators, prices, or other information expressed by Crypto Wingman Limited or contained on this website along with any material; including but not limited to services, courses, tutorials, videos, and newsletters provided by Crypto Wingman Limited and associated companies or its employees is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute any recommendation or opinion to buy, sell (or not to buy or sell) any cryptocurrency or other financial product. Nor does it constitute an offer to buy or sell any cryptocurrency contracts, financial products, or securities of any type – it does not take into account your personal circumstances; please do not trade or invest based solely on this information. Crypto Wingman Limited is making no representation that any cryptocurrency investment will or is likely to achieve profits/losses similar to those published in any material on the company’s website; or might be discussed in person with a consultant, employee or representative of the company. Any opinion made at any point by a consultant, employee or representative of the company is a personal opinion of that individual alone; their opinion is by no means that of Crypto Wingman Limited’s.

(c) All interactions between the client and Crypto Wingman Limited, its employees and associated companies are strictly for the purpose of providing information with the intent of aiding participants in navigating the complex and unfamiliar world of cryptocurrencies. Tasks may include but are not limited to: market introduction, setting up associated devices and service accounts, promoting and implementing best practices, navigating market environments, security and more. 

(d) By accepting to receive the service, view any material or use the information provided by Crypto Wingman Limited, published in the company’s website or newsletters, you agree that this is general education material for information purposes only. Furthermore, you also agree that the views of editorial contributors and members do not necessarily reflect those of Crypto Wingman Limited. You also agree we will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of capital or profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of, or reliance on such information. Additionally, you will not hold any person(s) or entity responsible for loss or damages resulting from the content, tuition or general information provided by Crypto Wingman Limited, its employees, directors, contributors, or fellow members. For the avoidance of any doubt, Crypto Wingman Limited and any associated companies, or employees, do not hold themselves out to be Cryptocurrency or Commodity brokers, Financial Advice Providers (“FAPs”) or financial advisers. 



(a) While every effort is made to check the accuracy of information provided, Crypto Wingman Limited does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. It is strongly recommended that you (the recipient of this service) conduct your own due diligence, complete thorough checks, and seek independent financial advice before acting on any form of information provided by Crypto Wingman Limited and/or entering into any cryptocurrency investment or transaction.



(a) We will provide services as set out in these terms of service and under our contracted terms of engagement agreement with you.

(b) We can change the fees for this service by notice to you.

(c) Invoices will be issued at the end of each calendar month. Full payment is to be made by the 25th day of the calendar month immediately succeeding the month owing.

Example: If an Invoice arrives July 1st for services completed in June, payment is due on July 25th.

(d) Any bespoke coaching, mentoring and additional services may be subject to an hourly fee if the applicant is not under a prior contracted agreement, or the additional services are beyond the scope of the previously agreed or contracted courses, packages, or services provided by Crypto Wingman Limited.
Hourly rates are outlined in your terms of engagement letter.

(e) Any work requiring an immediate response that has the potential to disrupt our normal services and inconvenience other clients – e.g work where a potential security breach has been identified, a mistake has been made, and/or financial losses are imminent – will be subject to an ‘urgent / remediation work’ hourly fee.
Hourly rates are outlined in your terms of engagement letter.


(a) We want to help everyone seeking our services. However, any applicant choosing not to follow and implement our starter package education falls outside of our oversight and our standards of service; therefore, they will not be eligible for our hourly services. See our FAQ's for detail on our reasons for this.




(a) Our service area and ability to travel is determined by our resources, time and commitment constraints - meaning we only operate within the Central Otago and Lakes District regions at present. Operating throughout the wider South Island regions, or New Zealand can be considered on a case by case basis, however, such distances will require significantly more time investment from Crypto Wingman and will result in higher travel/accommodation costs to the client.

Our hourly travel cost:
Travel costs apply for any distances travelled for a client beyond a 10km radius of Alexandra, Central Otago. Please refer to our services page for hourly costs by any vehicle.


Additional costs:
Some additional costs may include, but are not limited to flights, food, rental services, idle time or accommodation and will be charged as-is or as time and materials on top of any hourly travel charges in transit to/from or during our stay at the designated destination.


(a) Crypto Wingman Limited will assign a personal consultant to your case during our engagement process. Your consultant will be responsible for the training and education set out in our terms of engagement. Other team members may be involved from time to time to facilitate any administrative work required.

(b) You will be responsible for all the cryptocurrency assets you purchase at all times. Crypto Wingman Limited will not manage your assets for you, or record any of your critical cryptocurrency information. We will educate and encourage good practice for you to manage your assets and information yourself, however, we can assist with these tasks upon request from the client if necessary. Crypto Wingman Limited will not be capable of recovering your assets for you if you lose, do not record, or forget any such information.

(c) You will be responsible for maintaining the hardware and software that is essential to securing and managing your cryptocurrencies. Crypto Wingman Limited will educate, encourage, and kindly remind you to conduct your own regular maintenance yourself, however, we can assist with these tasks upon request from the client if necessary.



(a) The client reserves the right to terminate their contractual agreement(s) with Crypto Wingman Limited by providing 30 days written notice. Please refer to the FAQ section of our website for more information about the cancellation of services. 

(b) Crypto Wingman Limited and any associated person or entity reserve the right to deny an application or terminate its services at its discretion. Crypto Wingman Limited and any associated person or entity reserve the right to deny any application to attend or terminate any educational services should the course material be deemed unsuitable, or the operational circumstances shift to unacceptable risk levels throughout the delivery of services; such risks include but are not limited to: a client neglecting to update software and / or hardware wallets, choosing not to conduct regular wallet backups or test restorations, and ignoring vital security or recovery recommendations made by Crypto Wingman Limited and any associated person or entity.

(c) Crypto Wingman Limited may deny an application for, or terminate, services without providing a reason. 



(a) The cryptocurrency sector is a continually evolving space, this ever-changing environment requires frequent review and diligent ‘on-the-fly’ responses to recalibrate best practices and processes accordingly or take corrective actions where necessary. Crypto Wingman Limited makes no representation that the practices we teach are absolute, perfect and are free of error or oversight. However, our best effort is always given toward researching the most suitable, widely supported and proven practices throughout the cryptocurrency sector to ensure that the practices we teach, and the information we provide are accurate and secure to the best of our knowledge and the sentiment of the cryptocurrency community at the time it is taught.  


(b) For reasons outlined in section 6.0 (a), Crypto Wingman Limited and any associated entity reserve the right to change or amend its services at its discretion, and without notice. Should an amendment coincide with any client contracts/engagements that are already underway, our consultant will discuss the relevant options with the client at that time.


(a) By choosing to use our services, the client accepts that our services may not be available in perpetuity. Should Crypto Wingman Limited cease to operate for any reason, we are not obligated to find the client any substitute for the cryptocurrency consultancy services we provide. Additionally, the client accepts that Crypto Wingman Limited is not liable for any loss or stress related to our inability to continue any services the client initially sought through us.

(b) Should Crypto Wingman Limited choose to close the business or become incapable of conducting business due to unforeseen circumstances, the company will cooperate with all clients on an individual basis to facilitate a smooth offboarding or handover of important information to the relevant parties. Pending a signed agreement with each client, any client-specific sensitive information (if any) will be destroyed per the clients’ instructions set out in the signed agreement. All in-progress service agreements will be seen through to completion if possible, or refunds will be considered where applicable. 



(a) Many of our clients will inevitably have questions regarding how taxes work for cryptocurrencies. For clarity, Crypto Wingman Limited is not a certified accountant or tax advisor, nor are we specialists in the field of cryptocurrency tax. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to tax obligations which may be similar to or different from traditional investments, e.g., stocks, commodities, index funds, bonds. Your tax obligations are your responsibility, and those obligations will depend on your situation, so we recommend that you seek professional tax advice. These obligations may change over time, and it’s your responsibility to keep up to date with the changes. For the avoidance of confusion or misunderstanding, Crypto Wingman Limited does not provide tax advice.


9.0 – RISKS

(a) Crypto Wingman Limited provides services and information to aid participants to navigate the cryptocurrency sector. Whether or not you choose to invest in cryptocurrency is your decision. It is imperative that you be aware of the risks of investing in cryptocurrency and be willing to accept them before investing or trading in these markets. Cryptocurrency investing or trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Below is a list of some of the most common risks associated with cryptocurrencies but these are by no means the only risks. Clients should conduct their own research, due diligence and speak to a financial advisor before conducting any activity in the cryptocurrency market.


  • (b) - Cryptocurrency markets are extremely volatile


Cryptocurrencies have a large potential for rewards but also a large potential for loss associated with them. Crypto asset prices can move up or down by factors of 1000% in a single day. There is a high degree of volatility in the marketplace, which can work for you and against you. Be cautious when investing and learn how to identify FOMO. 

  • (c) - FOMO and FUD are contagious and are a recipe for disaster

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a contagious social media-driven monster that preys on the dopamine fueled “fear of missing out” in millions of inexperienced retail investors. FOMO is predominantly driven by parties with early-bird access, large pockets, and big gains to be made from driving up the price of an asset. After a mass orchestrated flooding of social media with positive “questionable” news and “baseless” reasons that a particular asset is likely to “go to the moon”, millions of retail (mum/dad) investors jump on the hype train and invest their savings from around the world. Once the asset price reaches a typically record-breaking high, the early-bird investors jump ship selling large portions of their holdings for huge profits at the highest market prices, leaving the small guys holding the bag.

FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) is typically the aftermath of these FOMO events. For millions of retail investors, their hope of significant profits turns into despair within the space of a few hours, or in some cases, minutes. As millions of investors watch the price of their prized asset plummet to new lows well below where they bought in, many instinctively choose to sell without any comprehension of the outcome or losses that they realize in doing so. 

This FOMO/FUD cycle is one of the most significant contributors to retail investors suffering massive losses in any market to date, not just cryptocurrencies. That said, it’s particularly common in cryptocurrencies.

  • (d) - Scams, cybercrime, and fraudsters are prevalent

The cryptocurrency sector is still very much in its infancy; scammers, fraudsters, and cybercrime are prevalent throughout the industry. Scam coins frequently pop up and flood the market with fake news to draw in funds from easy prey; then, the developers disappear as quickly as they appear, taking 100% of the profits with them. Fraudsters are also rife with pyramid schemes; Google ‘Bitconnect’ for more insight on this. Cryptocurrency exchanges are also bombarded by hackers looking for the next big win; Google ‘Mt Gox hack’ or ‘NiceHash hack’ for two significant examples.


A general rule of thumb – do not store the bulk of your holdings in online exchanges or wallets! These are far more likely to get hacked because they're always online and outside of your control.

  • (e) - Navigation is complex; mistakes can easily be made

Navigating the vast world of cryptocurrencies is not for the faint-hearted or inexperienced user. Cryptocurrency is getting easier and more accessible for the masses, but it is still a long way from the simplicity of a credit card. With ever-changing protocols, blockchain dynamics and wallet functionality, paying attention to minor details is critical when transferring funds or managing assets. Always remember…

There are no intermediaries (banks or insurers) who can recover your funds if you make a misstep.

  • (f) - There are no banks - You. Are. It! - Security matters!

In the world of cryptocurrencies, there are no banks, government protections or insurance policies. You are the gatekeeper, protector, and insurer of your crypto wealth; hence protecting your assets is without a doubt the single most vital step to consider when starting and maintaining a crypto portfolio. Currently, the safest way to protect your cryptocurrency assets is to be your own bank. But this comes with many risks to consider also.

Risks are everywhere with cryptocurrency, but storing your assets on a cloud-based third-party exchange or wallet service is particularly risky and an unwise decision vs using a personal offline (cold) wallet. 

  • (g) - Poor self-management of assets can result in big losses

Until government regulators and insurers develop more robust and trusted cryptocurrency protections for the masses, being your own bank is the best form of protection to date, but this comes with its own set of risks. Diligently recording critical information, routine maintenance and robust security are each integral pillars of maintaining a safe and recoverable cryptocurrency portfolio. But if neither has been given careful consideration, you’re left with forgetfulness, negligence, and poor security, and that won’t get you far in the cryptocurrency space.

  • (h) - The rules and regulations are frequently changing

Until cryptocurrency achieves mass adoption globally, many governments worldwide will hold different views toward cryptocurrencies, maintaining the wild west-like cryptocurrency environment we have today. Some governments are so supportive of blockchain technologies to the extent that they’ve been integrating blockchain projects into their societies for years – Estonia, Switzerland and Singapore are leading the world in support of blockchain technology. However, few have yet to go as far as El Salvador and adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. On the other hand, many other governments are scrambling to keep up with the fast-moving world of cryptocurrencies. These erratic and unsuccessful attempts to regulate the sector often dictate any societal and economic uncertainty toward crypto.

  • (i) - Past performance is not indicative of future performance

The past performance of any investment, trading system or methodology is not indicative of future performance, and cryptocurrency is no different. It’s a wildly speculative market that could be up to record highs one day and knocking on death’s door the next day, month or year. 

So long as one remembers – “Time in the market, not timing the market” – the journey will be more enjoyable.

  • (j) - Missing critical news events about changes to your assets blockchains

Nothing is static in the world of cryptocurrencies; blockchain developers are endlessly improving their code and feature-set. It’s also common for opposing developer groups to hold alternate views about one asset (e.g. Bitcoin). For example, this can and has led to the forking (or a fork in the road as it’s more widely known) of popular blockchains like Bitcoin when it forked into Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin adopting the segregated witness protocol (SegWit). In both scenarios, significant news events surrounded these changes and some changes required manual adjustments to how or where Bitcoin holdings could be stored by a specific deadline date. If you’re not paying attention in some cases, non-compliance can lead to loss of assets. It’s crucial that once an asset is purchased, you pay attention to news from multiple trusted sources about time-critical changes to any asset you hold. Reputable cryptocurrency news sources may include; emails from your exchange(s), wallet provider(s), trusted news sites, bloggers, vloggers and forums.

Crypto Wingman Limited will endeavor to do our best to keep clients informed about news of mainstream assets, but we cannot follow every crypto asset and inform every client; this would be considered an unreasonable expectation. We do not manage, we do not record, and thus we do not always know what assets our clients purchase or when they purchase or sell them. Given this advisory, we cannot be held liable for any lack of information, incorrect information, or late information attributing to losses of any kind. 


  • (k) – Uncontrollable factors or circumstances can lead to losses

Cryptocurrency is a dynamic and highly complex industry. It is susceptible to unpredictable and uncontrollable events or pitfalls much like the vast information technology (IT) sector that embodies the cryptocurrency space.


Any interaction with cryptocurrencies will result in exposure to many third-party components or entities necessary for you to operate and even exist within the cryptocurrency space. Examples include but are not limited to; operating systems, applications, apps, web services, exchanges, brokerages, DEX’s (Decentralized Exchanges). It’s essential to be mindful that behind every component or entity are people, code, and infrastructure, and it would be naïve to think people don’t make mistakes. Cognizant that people write code, and ultimately everything hinges on the internet not disconnecting, it goes without saying that problems will occur that you or Crypto Wingman Limited cannot anticipate or even fix. 


Adopting an open mind and accepting that IT problems will happen from time to time is essential when interacting with cryptocurrency. Whilst extremely uncommon, the loss of assets due to uncontrollable circumstances cannot be ignored. Some potential causes for loss may include but are not limited to; software/application/app/website bugs or errors, internet disconnections, device or firmware malfunctions, malware or viruses, website hacks, phishing attacks, corruption, and much more. 

By choosing to use our services, the client accepts that Crypto Wingman Limited cannot anticipate or fix every problem that may arise. The client also agrees not to hold Crypto Wingman Limited liable for any losses associated with any form of uncontrollable factors or circumstances, be it listed herein these terms of service or not.

  • (l) - DO NOT invest money you cannot afford to lose!

To this day, much of society has and will continue to consider cryptocurrency assets a high-risk and highly speculative market to invest in or trade. It may not be suitable or sensible for all investors, so for the sake of family, personal wellbeing, maintaining a healthy financial status, and avoiding regret and heartache;          DO NOT invest or trade cryptocurrency with borrowed money or money you cannot afford to lose!



(a) By choosing to participate in the cryptocurrency sector, you are required to generate one or several mnemonic passphrases for each of your crypto wallets, otherwise known as seeds or seed phrases. Typically 12 or 24 randomized words in length, these words together in their entirety, and exact order, restore your private key and all assets associated with it. The private key serves as a unique cryptographic digital signature that encrypts your crypto wallets and acts as your key to unlocking the gateway to your digital wealth. Complacency or disclosing your passphrase to untrusted parties exposes your crypto wallet(s) and associated wealth to theft or extortion.


It is strongly advised that you NOT share your passphrase with anyone unless you trust the individual or it’s deemed necessary, e.g. Informing a legal agent for the purpose of writing a Will or advising a close family member to ensure your assets can be recovered and distributed to loved ones in an unfortunate event.

(b) In light of the advisory notice and warnings expressed in section 10.0 (a), it is important the client be aware that in order to guide them safely, circumstances may arise in which a consultant or employee of Crypto Wingman Limited needs to witness part or all of a client’s passphrase, contradicting the warnings above, but for sound reason as pointed out below.

Our training will involve repeated actions where a client’s passphrase has the potential to be or will be inadvertently disclosed to a consultant or employee of Crypto Wingman Limited for reasons outside of our control. Disclosure of a passphrase is in some cases necessary due to the complexity of how cryptocurrency wallet’s function and the nature of the services offered by Crypto Wingman Limited. Furthermore, there will be several situations where our training may require a client to expressly permit a consultant or employee of Crypto Wingman Limited to view the client’s passphrase. Common reasons for disclosing a passphrase with Crypto Wingman Limited include but are not limited to: ensuring mistakes are not made by overseeing best practices are followed accurately, updating firmware on software/hardware wallets, performing wallet backups or restoration tests, and easing the burden of stress on a client by offering a confident second set of eyes when safely securing critical information.

While every effort is made to ensure the necessary guidance is provided without the need or potential for a client’s passphrase or seed to be disclosed, some circumstances are unavoidable. In any such case, the consultant will kindly remind the client of the risks before proceeding where possible.

(c) Should the client choose to disclose their passphrase to our consultant, in doing so, they at this moment accept the risks outlined in section 10.0 (a) including any other passphrase related risks not outlined herein these terms of service.

Suppose the client were to suffer losses after disclosing their passphrase. In that case, the client accepts they will not, to the extent permitted by law, hold Crypto Wingman Limited, its employees or directors liable for any damages, whether directly, indirectly, or not at all caused by a member of our team. Damages include but are not limited to; loss of capital or profits from disclosing any passphrase.

For the avoidance of any doubt, Crypto Wingman Limited will not accept any liability for damages associated with the accidental or permitted disclosure of a client’s passphrase to any member of our team.

(d) For the clarification of trust, Crypto Wingman Limited has a general conduct policy which employees must adhere to. Crypto Wingman Limited holds itself out to be a trustworthy, reputable, and transparent company, and the identities and backgrounds of the directors and each team member will always be made public on our website.


(a) During the course of our education services, Crypto Wingman Limited will recommend services, resources, and tools to our clients. We practice what we preach, and our goal is to provide our clients with what we feel at the time of recommendation is the best solution for the services we provide, hence we only recommend solutions we personally trust, and prefer to use ourselves. 


(b) Our recommendations however, are no guarantee that the services, resources and tools we propose are completely devoid of issues. Our intention is to be transparent with our clients; so if our trust, and sentiment toward any solution we’ve recommended changes to cause concern, we will promptly reflect this to our clients and community as soon as possible.

(a) Throughout the several years of our own personal experiences and observations navigating the cryptocurrency space, Crypto Wingman Limited has experienced numerous pitfalls, learnings, and witnessed mistakes made in the sector. Through this experience, we’ve developed a list of fundamentally important guidelines for staying safe in the cryptocurrency sector. This list is to help our clients avoid the pitfalls we’ve witnessed, and experienced ourselves, and this list will continue to grow as we, and our clients discover further hurdles in the future. 


These guidelines are reserved for paid clients only, however we note that it is strongly recommended that all members review these guidelines regularly, and follow them diligently to stay safe within the cryptocurrency space.

13.0 - PRIVACY

(a) Crypto Wingman Limited must comply with our obligations under the Privacy Act 2020 when dealing with client information. When we say “client information”, we mean personal information as defined in and protected by the Privacy Act. Any personal information you provide to us will be stored, used and disclosed by us in accordance with these terms. 

(b) Client information will be collected and held by Crypto Wingman Limited

(c) By accepting these terms, you authorize the collection, use, disclosure, storage and retention of your information by Crypto Wingman Limited as described in these terms when you access or use our service or otherwise provide us with any of your information.

(d) We may collect the following information from you: your name, birth date, email, phone number, address, or information relating to your cryptocurrencies described in section 10.0 (a) above. You are not required to provide us with this information, however, if you don't, it may affect our ability to do business with you. 

(e) We may collect information about you when you use our services, such as the details of your cryptocurrency transactions, your investment history and general wealth information. 

(f) We can use your information with your specific instructions or consent, or for the following purposes: To carry out our services, to comply with laws and regulations, for customer support, for research and development, or to share with our consultants or professional advisers. We may also share your information if we believe it’s allowed by law or is appropriate due to fraud, security, or similar concerns.

(g) We may keep your information: for as long as you use our service, or for as long as we believe necessary to comply with regulatory, tax, insurance or other requirements. 

(h) We will keep your information secure. However, we cannot guarantee the security of the storage of your information. 

(i) You may withdraw consent to our handling of your information, request access to your information (we may charge a fee), or request that we correct information that is inaccurate or out of date, by contacting us. We will take reasonable steps, consistent with our obligations under the Privacy Act, to correct or update that information if you so request.

(j) More information about your rights and our obligations in respect to privacy and information on making a privacy complaint are available from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner at:


(a) We may communicate with you by email, phone, letter and/or any other means of communication. We will use the contact details you give us when you sign up to this service, and as updated by you to us.


(a) We can change our terms, from time to time, by giving you notice. If we make a change to our terms that is likely to have a material negative impact on you, we will generally give you at least 14 days’ notice. However, we may give less notice in special circumstances for example, if we're required to make a change for regulatory or legal reasons. We can give you notice by direct electronic communication (such as email).


Crypto Wingman Limited are

  • We are your personal guide, companion, and navigator to aid you on a safe journey into the world of cryptocurrencies.


  • We are your personal advisor concerning the cryptocurrency space’s operational, functional, and security aspects of its associated services and industries.


  • We are your personal technical consultant concerning any cryptocurrency-related IT issues or queries.

  • We are a source of education solely for the benefit of those who seek to broaden their knowledge, and sharpen their understanding of the cryptocurrency space.


Crypto Wingman Limited are not

  • We are not your cryptocurrency “financial” advisor or consultant. What cryptocurrencies you invest your FIAT currency into is your own choice and responsibility. Any services we provide are strictly educational or cryptocurrency commentary and should not be taken as financial advice under any circumstance.


  • We are not your cryptocurrency fund/portfolio manager. We will not sell, buy or otherwise manage your crypto assets, tokens, funds, portfolio on your behalf. We will only provide you with the knowledge and guidance to safely manage this yourself.

  • We are not a certified accountant or tax advisor, nor are we specialists in the field of cryptocurrency tax. We will not provide tax advice.




By choosing to use any of the content contained on this website along with any material; including but not limited to services, courses, tutorials, videos, and newsletters provided by Crypto Wingman Limited and associated companies or its employees; you, the recipient of the material or service(s) declare that you have read all of the disclaimers, security guidelines, engagement agreement letter, including the terms of services outlined above; and understand, acknowledge, and fully accept the agreements, advisories, warnings and risks outlined in these documents.

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